Oculus Rift
The Rift is a virtual reality head-mounted display developed by Oculus VR. Do I need to talk more about it? I'm sure a lot of us have already seen gameplay with Oculus Rift. Like horror games and even roller coaster games. I really want to try it if I can; it is just too exciting! It is like the ghost or zombies jump right in front of you and you can stop it from coming. Like if you use a computer to play, you can just press the exit for shutdown button. But when you are you Rift, its cover half of your face and before you knew it, BOOM! It's in front of you!
Virtuix Omni
Not only for GAMING!
Virtual Reality applications are not only for gaming but there are many different kinds of uses.
1. VR Chair Traveler
In class we did say before we could use the internet to travel around the world! Even though virtual traveling lack of sensory and social components of travel, for example, you can feel the wind blow, you can't touch the wall, you can't smell the air. But it can still be life changing. We know that traveling can cost a lot, and maybe some places are hard to get there. However with VR Chair Traveler, you can do it! The diversion that is walking the Champs-Élysées or scaling Kilimanjaro could offer someone with locked-in syndrome, ALS, or similarly limiting conditions is enormous.2. Intergalactic Planetary
3. Help war veterans combat PTSD
4. Go back in time!
Ever think of how this place looks like in the past? We now life in a world of modernization, we have lost a lot of our heritage and history. But with Virtual Reality applications and product, we could see the history behind the walls and also learn from it.The nearly perfectly preserved Pompeii is already made walkable by the Google Cultural Institute, as are many other wonders of the ancient world. Strap on Google Cardboard and away you go.(Steele, n.d)http://asia.pcmag.com/wearable-tech/974/gallery/8-amazing-uses-for-vr-beyond-gaming?p=8